Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Evaluation Overview

Okay, so we've decided to give away $2,000.00.  Now what?  How do we choose the nonprofit?  Therein lies the purpose of this blog. We all want to make an impact with our giving, otherwise why give?  But how can we make the biggest impact or largest social return on investment?

It's all in the research.  When evaluating nonprofits look past their feel good marketing stories and ask a simple question: how?  Discover:

  1. How did the nonprofit or program originate?  In other words, what research or evidence did the nonprofit use to base it's program?
  2. How does the nonprofit evaluate it's program or organization?  Are they actually addressing the problems they've set out to? 
  3. Based on their feedback and evaluations, how has the nonprofit changed or adapted its mechanics or operations?
It boils down to this: if you can't measure the good you're doing, how do you know you're actually doing good? 

*Notice the question of how my dollar was spent was left off the list.  I disagree with the popular notion of low administrative or overhead costs as a good indicator of nonprofit effectiveness.  Overhead costs are essential to evaluate current programs, explore opportunities to expand programs and partnerships, grow the nonprofit, fundraise, etc.  Just like the business saying "you have to spend money to make money," I believe a highly effective nonprofit will have overhead costs.  Also, nonprofits are snarky and what constitutes operational costs versus administrative costs is fungible.*

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Up and running!

"Wonder at something.  Invite others to wonder at it with you."

  This is me, wondering about philanthropy.  I'm inviting you to wonder about it with me or maybe read about me wondering.

  I find the realm of philanthropy interesting, it's a mix of science, math, international relations, and humanities.  Often I think we just see the humanities or the social side of giving.  There is so much more.  The web is teeming with information on nonprofits, philanthropy, social media, and the intersection of all three.  I plan to use this blog to narrate my research and my experience in those crossroads.

  With the onslaught of information, ideas, and best practices, there is much to learn about philanthropy and the workings of different nonprofits.  The discovery of how a nonprofit operates is essential (think Greg Mortenson and the Central Asia Institute scandal).  At the crux of it all, is you, the donor, giving money.  But, as you wouldn't go see an oncologist without knowing his credentials, reputation, success rate, you shouldn't blindly give to a charity.  Too often this is what we do.  I see it as our duty to donate in a specific, concerted, objective manner.  This blog will hopefully chronicle my attempts to achieve that objective.

  With that, I plan to keep a log of research, findings, and information on nonprofits.  The ultimate goal being to give $2,000.00 by December 31st to a chosen charity.  Through blog postings hopefully I can explain in a logical, almost scientific manner, how I ended up choosing the nonprofit I did.

  Let the journey begin!